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Introduction to doForms

This video explains what doForms is, how it works, and explores the many benefits it brings to businesses by improving the productivity of both field and office workers.

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How to Convert a Paper Form

This “how-to” shows you how to quickly convert a paper form into a doForms form.

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Build it Once, Use it Everywhere

See the many places that, once built, a doForms form can be used.

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5 Tips for Building Better Mobile Forms

doForms is rich with features and capabilities that can make any mobile form better and more useful. This video gives a sampling of 5 powerful form-building features that will transform any form.

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How to Build Your First Form

This brief video will get you started quickly building your first doForms form.

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Webinar: Building a Custom Report

In this webinar, you’ll learn the details for creating a custom report output for your forms, so you can export your data into a format of your design and choosing.

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Webinar: Basic Web Dashboard Navigation

The doForms web dashboard is where you build forms, dispatch forms, view data and, in some cases, fill out forms. In this webinar, you’ll learn the basics of navigating through the doForms web dashboard and discover its many useful and important features.

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Webinar: Form Building

This webinar teaches how to use the “Build Forms” tab of the doForms web dashboard, and how to build a basic form using the tools.

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Webinar: Excel Plug-in

With doForms, you can instantly integrate your forms data into an Excel spreadsheet. This webinar teaches how to configure the settings for an Excel spreadsheet using the plug-in and how to synchronize the data from doForms to the spreadsheet.

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Webinar: Sync and Save

Sync and Save is the doForms utility that enables you to integrate your forms’ data into your backend databases and applications, like QuickBooks, Salesforce, and many more. This webinar teaches how to create a Submission job within Sync and Save to pull data from doForms into a basic Excel file.

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